Friday, July 26, 2013

Tired Thoughts

There hasn't been much on my mind lately. Or maybe there's too much so I can't tell what it is. I don't feel up to responding to the prompt today. I can't write what people ask me to write about, I guess a part of me is stubborn and doesn't want to do what I'm told. Another part just feels too pressured to have a right answer. It's so cold this morning but I love this weather anyway. It reminds me of the fall. Everyone is always saying "It's summer! I love summer!" but spends every nice day inside with their air conditioner on, complaining about the heat. I don't understand people. If you complain about something, how can you love it? It all sounds so fake to me. Like when people say they don't care about something but continue to talk about it. Even if it's in a negative way, they obviously cared enough to discuss it. I truly don't care about anything, if you couldn't tell from my lack of conversation. It comes off as a bad thing and people think I hate them. Oh well. Honestly, that's another thing I don't get. If I've never talked to someone how can I hate them? People are insane. I have no idea where this is going anymore. I'm tired and I want to go home and listen to Blink-182 and sleep.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Declaration of Independence

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the educational bands which have been forced upon us, and to separate the creative from the dull. The separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natives god entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of human kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We old these truths to be self evident, that all students are not created equal, that they endow by structure, guidelines, and due dates. We prove these to be true by the following examples.

He has made us keep our talents hidden
He has cut the funding for programs in which flourished
He has stripped away our imagination
He has made us followers not leaders
He has robbed us of self confidence
He has limited our opportunities
He has diminished our creativity

We therefore the representatives of the student body and general congress are appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the mane and by authority of the creative people of the world solemnly publish and declare that these united students and of right ought to be free and independent states that they are absolved from all allegiance to the school system and that all political connection between them and the department of education, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and free and independent students, they have full power to choose their classes, freedom to express oneself through all types of art; and to do all other acts and things which independent students may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection pledge to each other, our talents, opportunities and education.  

Saturday, July 20, 2013


"The first duty of a man is to think for himself." - Jose Marti

Jose Marti says that in order for one to be a man, he has to step away from conformity and think for himself. There are no limits for a man who thinks for himself. A man who can thinks for himself can lead others. When he is sure about his abilities, others can believe in him. Others will look to him for guidance. He may respect the advice of the his elders but ultimately makes his own decisions.  He who thinks for himself will not allow others to manipulate him. He will not fall under peer pressure. He will know when to speak up and stand up for those who cannot. A man who can think for himself is ready to love. When he can think for himself and not share in society's like-mindedness of love and marriage, he is ready to have a wife. A man who can think for himself is ready to have a son. He is able to shape and mold that young mind. In that way he leaves a legacy, he leaves his mark on this world. A man who thinks for himself can follow his own path,  forge his own destiny. He can live life freely and not live as one of society's mindless drones.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Declaration of Minority Equality

       When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for minorities to voice racism, clouded judgement, and abuse of authority.  Being objected the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God or which they have been entitled, a disrespect to the not so common race.  The history of past events presented by the New York Police Department or NYPD has established injustice.  To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:

1. He has subjected us through our race.
2. He has abused his power of stop and frisk.
3. He has subjected us through our social status.
4. He has abused his power of firearms.
5. He has conducted unreasonable search and seizures (without warrants).
6. He has let past experiences cloud his judgement.
7. He has taken advantage of the emergency siren.

        We the minorities face many struggles with law enforcement; having unjustified authority over us.  Whether it be police brutality or unreasonable/illegal search and seizures through our property.  We minorities are victim to something which he have no control of, such as the color of our skin, or our background.  We raise concern onto the abusive authority that has been embedded onto us.  And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, the color of our skin, and sacred honor.

 --Jose, Mamun, Rakin, Zainab, Precious

Monday, July 15, 2013

What It Means To Say ______

"This is what it means to say home." I don't feel like I'm part of a specific neighborhood or city. I've never felt like I belonged there. To me, when people ask me where I'm "from" they just mean the place I sleep and eat everyday. That's not a definition I'm satisfied with. To me, what "home" really means is where you're comfortable, where you feel like you fit in, and can connect with those around you. The place I live has never really been that for me. When people ask me where I'm from, I'm never sure what to say. It sounds a bit ridiculous to most people, I'm sure, but if you're not comfortable with something you wouldn't represent it or shout it from the rooftops would you? Where I'm literally from and the place I live is Maspeth, the middle of nowhere. Sure, I've lived here my entire life but I still don't see it as my home. I can't wait to get away and be in a place I truly love. People usually say "home is where the heart is", you can see that pretty much anywhere, but to me, my heart just isn't where I was born. My heart is more in the things I love and care for the most and I'd much rather say that than "I'm from Maspeth."


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Holy Grail

Jay-Z's "Holy Grail" featuring Justin Timberlake touches on the topic of fame. Both artists have been in the spotlight for the last 20 years. Jay-Z speaks about how he is still relevant, "still that nigga," and the drawbacks of having such popularity. One of the ideas that Jay-Z frequently mentions in the song is being in front of the paparazzi's camera flashes. Jay-Z says that he could not even take his daughter out on a walk because he was being stalked at the corner of the block. One of the trade-offs of fame is the loss of privacy, and with the birth the daughter, Jay-Z is experiencing this for the first time in the perspective of a father. Justin Timberlake's chorus is a direct message to Hollywood, his fans, and social media on the idea of fame. He questions why after 20 years of driving him insane, does he still love fame and everything that comes with it. "... sipping from your cup till it runneth over, Holy Grail." The last line of JT's chorus is a metaphor about taking in all that Hollywood imposes on you, so much until it gets to be too much for one person to handle.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Steve Jobs

"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me." - Steve Jobs

These words spoken by the late innovative tech mogul is what today's companies and industries should live by. Steve Jobs says, that it doesn't matter what he makes at the end of every quarter, his goal is to change the world. There are a few examples that live by these words. A model example is underground music. Whether it is rap or metal, underground music has gained its reputation for not selling out to money-hungry record companies. They don't need state of the art technology to produce the music that touches their fans. That's one of the greatest things that their fans appreciate. Oftentimes when something goes mainstream, whether it's an idea or song, it is repeated, abused and eventually loses its original meaning. Another great example can be found in churches, mosques and temples by observing men of the cloth. They set out to make a connection with their gods and heal others spiritually. Their goal is to promote and establish a relationship between man and God. Unlike most of us, they let go of their worldly possessions for the good of the soul, and the souls of others.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Steve Jobs

When somebody dies, their money no longer matters. They can't do anything with it when they're already six feet under. What really matters in life is knowing you've accomplished something great and being able to go to sleep at night knowing that. The key to happiness is doing what you've always wanted and living life to the fullest. If you don't create a legacy and lead a great life, nobody is going to remember you. One of the worst things in life to most people is to be forgotten and alone. Nobody hopes to be forgotten. Everyone wants to feel like they've done something great enough to be remembered. Being rich and having millions when you die isn't what's going to make you memorable. People remember those who did great things. When you're on your deathbed and have only moments left, it's not your money that will matter to you, it's all all that you've worked for and achieved and the people you've helped. It's all of the memories you have of doing something great and something you love. Being the richest man in the cemetery shouldn't matter to anybody because there is nothing to be done with all that money when you're gone. If you're truly a good person, you will want to have done something to make the world a better place than it was when you entered it.
