Saturday, October 13, 2012

“A fool and his money are soon elected.” – Will Rogers

A man with money will more than likely rise to the top. If you don’t have brains and you don’t have beauty, money will always do the trick. Nowadays money can buy you almost anything, so you can buy crap to make it look like you actually possess brain and beauty. With money comes power and once you have power people will listen to you, may not agree but they’ll listen. This power can instill fear, which also leads a fool and his money to be elected. Even the most outrageous daredevils are afraid, it’s just that they use that fear in a different way. They see it as excitement whereas we see it as mere anxiety. When it comes to money I don’t play and I’d prefer a fool to use his excess money and rise to the top than for me to take what I don’t have and try getting there. The fool has an advantage over me, its not that he’ll get there and I wont but it’s just that he’ll get there faster. Money does that sometimes. With money, you save time but with time, you save money. Which do you prefer?

– Lindsey Burton

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