Sunday, April 15, 2012

It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.

Warren Harding wasn't a particularly intelligent man whose hobbies included drinking, gambling, and womanizing. However he was also irresistibly good looking. By using his appearance, Harding steadily advanced from local Ohio politics to the presidential seat. Harding was the epitome of elegance, grandeur, and radiated all that was presidential. Most historians agree that he was also the worst president in the history of the United States. Our first impressions present us with an evil in society. They make judgements for us, before cognition even has the ability to process what we perceive. Did you know that an extra inch of height in the corporate world is about $789 a year, and that Ted Bundy - rapist and murderer was extremely handsome. Judgment is part of us - we process it before anything else. It is our job to try to piece together the things we see with what we don't. The mystery lies within the gap.

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