Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Personal Prayer #2: The intellectuals have spoken

This poem I read when I was 18 years old. I was a freshman at Hofstra University. I was waiting to speak to a professor during his office hours. While I waited, he had this poem on his door. I stood there and read it over 20 times. I memorized and internalized it and never forgot it. It's been 13 years since that day. I forgot the name of the professor, but I never forgot the poem. It reminds me to always move decisively - sure and steadfast. because while you're pondering and crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's, valuable time is wasting. Meanwhile, someone else is taking action to advance themselves- Not because they're the smartest but because they're decisive - sure and steadfast and believe in action.

"The Intellectuals have spoken"

The intellectuals have spoken; Nothing should be done, nothing legislated until a rationale has been established.

The intellectuals have spoken.

Meanwhile, those who believe in action; and that they should be up while all others down, stormed the room, killed the leaders, and arrested the remainder, whom they later hung.

Then, there was no more talking.

author unknown

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