Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You cannot Borrow Courage

Courage isn’t something you are born with, and it isn’t something you can borrow from your friend. Courage is something you develop over time, though experience and failures. Courage is one of those things that sometimes even when you have it you can fall flat on your face. You know like when the nerdy quiet boy works up all the courage to ask out the pretty girl, to only find out it is too late. But that should not make you ashamed or embarrassed. The only embarrassment would have been to be a coward. There are more cowards in the world then there are courageous people. Anyone could be a coward. It doesn’t take much, only to hide yourself in what could have been. It takes a strong person to be courageous. Even when it seems as if the last thing you want to do is risk it, that your queue to do so. Courage isn't something you can borrow; you have to develop it on your own because courage is different for everyone.

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