Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Show me a man who hasn't sold out and i'll show you someone who hasn't seen the right price."

It’s true that within society there are always the people who would take the right price for anything. But is this everyone? Absolutely. I don’t care who they have to step on, what they have to do, if you tell someone that you are going to make them famous but they have to ditch their friend who they have been singing with since they were in elementary school, you think they won’t? Once you show them that number that they have never even imagined before? Think again buddy. The only exception to this rule may be family. I’m not talking brothers and sisters, I’m saying that little bond that parents have for their families. You know, like Harry Potter status, mother giving her life for her son. Yeah, that’s it. Mothers don’t sell out their sons, or a lot of them won’t. But you go search the world and you will find plenty of people who will be the first ones in line if you offer the right things. People go around preaching like they are good people, but in the end most of the people will turn right around and not think twice about those things that they preach against. And I’m not speaking literally, although obviously that happens too. People always start out with morals in their lives. Somewhere in their youth they come up with rules about what is wrong and what is right, what they can and cannot do, and who they want to become. These usually include all of the things society tells us we have to do – be polite, help people, not lie, care about important issues, be smart, etc. But around 2 or 3 years later, those things become amended. You start telling little white lies, you start cheating on your chores. Everyone does something to break what they consider right, weather it is that you will never go behind someone’s back, you won’t secretly date someone else’s boyfriend, you won’t ever drink alcohol or do drugs, you won’t get married. Everyone has rules that they make, but when things are right in front of them, they can’t refuse. Like selling people out. The funny and best thing about it is that they still go along preaching the same things, telling other people not to lie to go behind peoples back, even get mad at other people for doing it when they are doing it at the same time. People like to preach like they are perfect. But no one can keep that fairy tale story of their life full of perfection. Everyone will give in. Especially for money.

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