Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Promise is comfort to fools

A promise. What is a promise anyway? A group of words some person throws together, just to make you believe them. Promises are bullshit. Why should we make promises when they are always broken? And if it is so important to you why can’t you just fulfill it instead of wasting away our precious time with your empty words and fake emotions. Remember when we were little and every promise we made followed with a linking of pinkies or a “cross my heart hope to die.” If that were true there would be a lot more deaths around. Promises are made to be broken. Made to fall apart. When your boyfriend promises that was the “last time” and “it wont ever happen again” and follows it up with a “it was stupid baby, I love you”, are you really going to believe him? Promises are just a bunch of words people put together to provide a false sense of comfort for you. Promises are just a comfort for fools.

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