Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A promise is comfort to fools

When someone promises you something, and you accept it, you place your trust in that person. You assume that they will come through for you. But as the saying goes “to assume makes an ass out of u and me.” But still a promise provides that cushion in our consciousness. That, “well he said he would.” That our minds need in order to comprehend that it wasn’t our fault when things go horribly wrong. When that promise doesn’t come through it can’t be our fault. It wasn’t us who didn’t fulfill our word.

If a promise is comfort for fools, then we are all fools. We all find comfort when someone else makes us a promise. Especially when faced with the idea that it won’t be our fault if that promise fails. The comfort is not in the trust of another, but the lack thereof. It is in the idea that we can’t be blamed.

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