Monday, October 15, 2018

Free World and Lynching. 2 prompts

Ryuta Makino
Writing 1
Professor Jackson


Free World, some say. But those some never came across oppressions. They have never experienced or saw what its like to be part of a disadvantaged group. There were times when I thought religion was the bane of humanity, causing wars throughout history for no other reason than to assert religious superiority. I never knew what it was like to be part of a religious organization and how powerful and motivating its community is, up until now. Their prayers and there deep thinking emotionally motivated me. The declaration calls for people to experience not just watch from far beyond. The free country as the U.S. is called is only superfluous. It's not real. No country how great they are cannot be 100% free. These countries cannot be all freedom and no oppression. The people who think the U.S. is a free country was like me, making fun of religious community. Freedom cannot be obtained as there are always few in each community that wants to assert their power. The problem is not the majority, its the minority power. We cannot judge a group by their loud minority, and what the media covers. The media covers what's interesting, they never cover the good, never cover the silent majority. We cannot judge Muslims because of ISIS, we cannot judge Christians because of Westboro Baptist Church, and we cannot judge a group because of a few people.


Lynching. How can you describe it? It's so iconic yet so unsettling. Killing somebody not through beatings, or through shootings, but by hanging them from a tree. An economical way of killing, a way of killing that sends out a message to the community. Nobody has lynched better than the infamous KKK. During the 1920's, these guys lynched with no persecutions against them. They had bodies of innocent blacks over them, and just had picnic looking at their perceived gorgeous scenery of dead blacks. Calvin Coolidge, the president back in the 20's, hated the KKK, but he didn't do anything to stop it. The hate was rampant, and lynching continued. The image shows KKK member being lynched instead of the usual black victim. But, at the end of the day, killing is killing and no matter how heinous of a crime they have done, there cannot be violence against them. Martin Luther King Jr. never advocated for this, he didn't want revenge and killing, he wanted reconciliation. He wanted neo-nazis and KKK members to have black friends and realize that blacks are not what perceive to be. Revenge is nice, a way to boost confidence, and a way to put down another group that has tormented you for so long. But, the best revenge is when the hate group is dissolved because they don't hate anymore. Violence doesn't stop the hate, it only creates more hate. Peace is what we need but its something so hard to achieve. Peace isn't something everybody wants especially those filled with hatred. Sometimes Peace cannot be achieved without violence, but maintaining peace as long as possible is important. 

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