Monday, May 9, 2016

Oppression in its mildest form

Woah...back to the slightly more depressing prompts. Today's is a quote by Friedrich Engels. POLITICS. It's so thick in the air today you could choke on it. This quote, however, "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another-no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy." Take out everything after the dash. Now replace "The state" with "Life". I could say that somewhat describes life right now. Take oppression a different sense and it is true to everyone. Take it in the sense that today's generation looks at things and all of a sudden, I've brought racism, sexism, and all the other -isms into the conversation. However, take it as the former sense, the true one, and then this other claim becomes visible. One in which we oppress one choice or idea for the other. The decisions we make in life are based on the ideas we have. Just because we've chosen one idea over the other does not make the first cease to exist. We oppress one idea for another. But whatever idea we choose to oppress doesn't make it invalid or invisible...dun dun dun...#deepthoughts?


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