Friday, February 12, 2016

"Life is precious, and God, and The Bible"

   "It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a beautiful and savage country lies in between" - Diane Ackerman

   Life is still humanity's great unknown. We may know the origins of life on this planet and have a basic understanding of how our bodies and minds function; but we do not know why we are here. Philosophers and scientists have researched and debated the meaning of life for untold centuries, and we are no closer to an answer now, than we were when we first asked the question.

   Religion, biology, philosophy, chemistry, art... You name it, someone has attempted to answer that great question we all ask, subconsciously or outwardly - "Why are we here?" We seek to learn what our purpose is in this form. Humanity exists, we have consciousness, we are self-aware. How did we come to be, we ask. Creationism? Evolution? Both, or perhaps neither? There is no prayer that will summon the answer. There is no formula that will calculate a solution. The human race my die out tomorrow, or in a billion years, but we may never know the truth. Maybe we are not entitled to an answer. Perhaps, there is no answer.

   Despite our lack of knowledge on the subject, life remains a beautiful reality. That may be all we need to know today.

 - Richard L. Giordano

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