Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Don't be 'a writer'. Be writing"

"Don't be 'a writer'. Be writing" - William Faulkner

I love William Faulkner! We read one of his books for my English class in high school! I'm pretty sure it was my favorite book I'd read through high school, which says a lot because we also read The Great Gatsby around the same time. I think Hemingway did a good job of taking Faulkner's advice. He didn't seem to have much of a filter between what he thought and what he said, and I've never read any of Hemingway's work, but if I had to guess, I'd say he just writes his thoughts on paper. Kind of like what I'm doing here. He doesn't try to be a writer, he is a writer, and his writing is a representation of who he is, how he thinks. Granted, he was probably drunk of his ass most of the time, but still. I can't believe I haven't read any of Hemingway yet. I always hear about how I should, especially if I like F. Scott Fitzgerald, which, in case you couldn't tell, I do. I can't write much today. My mind's just been somewhere else this week. I'm trying to focus, but this week, that's a little harder than usual. But I guess that's normal when you break up and that breaks you...isn't it?

-Kate Goodman

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