Monday, December 8, 2014

"Your heart is my piñata"

Hearts are hearts, associated with love and red and gushy stuff. It is a crucial, tender part of our human bodies. A piñata, on the other hand, is an object. It is something that is beaten and battered until it breaks, and then the person beating it rushes to rejoice in all the sweets that fall out before anyone else gets to them. It is a source of entertainment. If my heart is your piñata, please don’t break it. Please don’t beat, batter, and pound my fragile heart into shreds, as if it were a game to see just how quickly or how efficiently you could get the task done. My heart is not something to be abused. It loves you, just like the little colorful piñata that you’re swinging and hitting loves you. It wants to be friends with you, and as much as it wants to reward you with the sweets you're looking for, I hope you swing and miss.

Amy Shih

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