Thursday, March 31, 2011

Without ideas, writing does not exist.

"Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a piece of paper until your forehead bleeds." – Douglass Adams

Although though the act of writing itself may be easy, ideas conjured in order to produce said writing are not so easy to come by. Writing is not easy. I can attest to this and I’m sure Professor Jackson can as well given the essay (or non-essay) I submitted to him as a “first draft” the Wednesday before spring break. The paper was supposed to be a photo essay on Central Park, and I stared at my photo of choice on both Monday and Tuesday nights, not on a piece of paper, but sitting next to a blank word document on my screen saver until I felt the urge, not to make my forehead bleed, but throw a perfectly good piece of halibut out the window. Nevertheless, while my abilities were there, my ideas were not and despite the fact that I have been published, I have been published from writing about ideas (or subjects) that were given to me, not conjured up. Without ideas, writing does not exist.

- Josie Raccuia

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