Sunday, March 20, 2011

War is God

What type of home training did he have? What are his values? How dare he start class off with "War is God." Why? I need an explanation. Maybe, that's the reason he has so many tattoos. Maybe, he wasn't taught that God represents love. I wonder if he burns crosses on his spare time. "Come back into the light, Raynell. Don't wast your energy trying to figure this one out." Truth be told, he is not unique in his thinking. Unabombers probably chant "War is God!" I'd dare say that's probably why they believe they are doing God's work--oh, excuse me; not God--Allah's will (Insha' Allah). I have to shake my head. Anyway, this Professor Jackson or Mitchell, whichever is supposed to be his first name, actually gave me a page filler. By the way, who names their child two last names? Another piece to this puzzle. This tattooed, profane, mouthy, village-styled, brainiac, asked us to write.

Raynell P.

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