Thursday, April 15, 2010

Serious Within Simply Without

“The man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without”

Without boarders, no lines drawn in the sand separating you and your needs. You know what you want and that’s when you take yourself seriously. When you live this wy you see the world not in the way that you want to but in a way that you need to. Want. Need. The transition from one to the other is the difference between more maturely. We take what we need from the world we grow. Selfishly taking what we want we remain stunted in our desires. Now that’s not to say that wants such as goals are bad because goals usually turn into passions, but passion shouldn’t be confused as psycosis. When we live more seriously we can make the distinction between wants and needs and at this point our needs become so cultivated, so loved, they disguse themselves as wants and we live more fluently. Things seem easier when we make decisions with a serious breeze because that points our compass in the right direction and as effortless as a breeze turing a compass is so becomes our life. I know. When I started to look at the world with a more serious air being a real citizen of the world was more organic. I started with tending to the needs of others helping underprivileged children to become better than themselves, and I became better myself.
~Samantha Dunac

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