Tuesday, April 13, 2010

“Everything is compromise”

I wouldn’t necessarily say that absolutely everything is compromise. The thing about compromise is that I think that a large important factor would be another thing, weather it be a person or an event or anything, which without you don’t really have any compromises to make. Unless its like a fight with yourself. Like your sitting there and know that you should start working on your paper due tomorrow, but you just can’t seem to do it. So you compromise with yourself and watch a little more tv and then work on the paper. But the majority of the time you think that you know what you want and you do it. The weird thing is that I guess it is possible for everything to subconsciously be a compromise. I mean sometimes people don’t really know what they want, and they make decisions that they don’t really know what influenced them or drove them to make it, but they did. Is our brain automatically on program to compromise and we don’t even know it? Compromise with ourself. I mean imagine if we had to fight with ourselves to compromise in addition to all the other people. Clearly the brain was smart in making sure that this didn’t happened. But it can’t be. Because if the brain was on the automatic compromise setting then there wouldn’t be any more fights with people about compromise. And if that were the case, well what would there really be to fight about. The thing is that most of the time people don’t even come to a compromise .Yeah, sure if it’s a little thing, but most adults can’t even compromise over something simple without a fight emerging. When it comes to compromises, are we just being stubborn? Well. No. If we were just being stubborn we wouldn’t feel so strongly about our side. But then what about those people who don’t compromise right, not that they overpower, but under power. Those that always give up what they want to make everyone happy and such. Well its their own faults. They can play the victim, but at some point you have to learn to have a little bit of a presence, a little bit of a “don’t mess with me attitude” They are commonly referred as the push over, and although I do salute their good intentions to be the peace keeper and make everyone happy, its just not possible. Giving up beliefs that you have just isn’t worth it in a world full of people trying to get ahead. Most of the time if you keep giving in to other people and not get what you want it will hurt you in many other ways. People are going to take advantage of you, you can’t truly be happy by just pleasing others. So are we wrong for looking down on those who have good intentions to make others happy? To avoid the fight and reality that a compromise isn’t possible in order to be the better person? Hm. I good thing time is way over.

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