Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Malcolm Gladwell picture - Susan Oh

Crazy curly hair, pasty white face, lanky stature.  Who the hell is this guy. He definitely looks like some type of 21st century genius who won a Novel prize for science or something. Since this is a writing class, I bet he's a famous writer or author of a grand masterpiece that I'm yet again unaware of. Sometimes the prompts professor Jackson gives us seriously make me feel like an uncultured lump on a log.  For a split second, I low-key thought it was a picture of an old grandma wearing hip clothes.  Maybe it was a picture of a hip grandma, you know, like Betty White. Speaking of Betty White, I read an article a couple days ago that said she had passed away. Baffled, I googled to see if it were true and it wasn't. How cruel is it to make up a false rumor about someone's death, that's kinda messed up.  Anyway, going back to the picture, now that I think of it, I think it's a picture of Malcolm Gladwell.  It makes sense because we read a piece by him for homework.  Unlike most of the other writers we had read about previously, I had actually heard of Malcolm Gladwell.  I gave my grade 12 English teacher a book called, "David and Goliath" by him.  It was about the underdogs of the world. It seemed like a good read, I hope he didn't already have it.  Professor Jackson just came into the room again with his daily dose of Argo tea.  "Looks like three minutes" he said.  Wow, I've literally filled an entire page on no topic at all but I mean... I'm not even sure if that is Malcolm Gladwell after all.  If it is, then yay, I like him and his works.  If it's not, oh well, at least you know Betty White isn't actually dead. 

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