Thursday, October 22, 2015

Martin Luther King video clip - Susan

Martin Luther King Junior.  The name is famous amongst history students everywhere. Leader of the black civil rights movement, powerful speaker, compassionate human being.  He gave his infamous "I have a dream" speech which not only touched the hearts of the people who physically saw him standing in D.C, but also continues to touch the hearts of generations long after he's gone. The video showed an unseen clip of Martin Luther King's assassin James Earl Ray and to be frank, I'm not sure why it was such a big deal that they uncovered the clip. Martin Luther King still died, and the world was instantly affected. From what I could tell, there was nothing particularly significant that the world could deduce from the clip itself, but I could be wrong. Going back to MLK, I think one of the main reasons why he rose to such prominence in the black civil rights movement was because he had a way with his words.  There are certain people who are capable of easily captivating an audience with their speech and MLK possessed that special talent; that made him an important activist that many people looked up to. A similar person is Barack Obama.  Obama reminds me a lot of MLK not just in the way he looks, but because of the way they both led their people.  MLK was obviously a leader of a mass group of people and well, Obama led the country.  It is these types of people, the people that are able to enter into peoples' heads and flip on a switch, that end up changing the face of history forever; infinitely living in the minds of humanity. 

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