Declaration of
Independence from Partisan Politics
There are times in the course of
history when it is necessary for a group of individuals to divorce themselves
from an inherently unjust political system, and today is such a time. For too
long have unique ideas been crushed under the oppressive boot of partisan
politics. It is our human right to participate in a system that acknowledges
the vast variety of opinions held by those in the country in which it exists.
We believe that it is an
inalienable human right to live in a nation in which the government accurately
depicts the national political dialog. This right is intended to be secured by
governments, but it has become all too clear that the current political system
that dominates the government of the United States has become too powerful. It
is therefore the duty of the people to reject such a system that champions only
a fraction of the political spectrum. The history of the political systems of
the United States is littered with discarded political parties, and those that
currently dominate the political scene ought to join them. The current
political system in the United States has stifled the growth of its political
dialog. We submit the following facts to a candid world.
have refused to take a third party seriously, leading to stalemates in
have denied American citizens their right to change the governmental structure
of our country by preventing
other political parties from forming.
direct billions of dollars in funding towards Democrats and Republicans,
putting other parties at
an economic disadvantage and severely hindering their chances of victory or influence in the American government.
have prevented prominent political figures such as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump from associating with
other parties not named “Democratic” or “Republican,” as chances of victory
decrease if associated with other parties.
have prevented compromise from occurring, reducing progress and leaving major issues unresolved.
have hindered American citizens from having choice during political elections.
have prevented American citizens from forming opinions that diverge from the ideals of the Democratic and
Republican parties.
have promoted corruption, deadlock, and division in the American governmental system, as the Democratic and
Republican parties are not regulated and cannot be held accountable by other political parties.
Our advocacy for more choices other
than a mere two party system has been met with either utter neglect or bitter
disdain. The freedom and independence of this nation are no longer prevalent in
this obstinate political scene. The voices of the minority, which we uphold,
are squelched to nonexistence. We are forced to conform to a system which is
insufficient in addressing the pressing concerns of all individuals. We have
appealed to legal institutions and pleaded for the empowerment of a separate
political force, but our demands were not addressed in formal manner nor were
they taken in serious consideration.
We, henceforth, rejecters of
partisanship, declare our independence from the corrupt conventional political
establishment. We hold our rights to form independent political decisions and
are no longer bound to the laws and enforcements from the two-party political
scene. Members of our following reserve the right to vote and form allegiances
with other political groups. And for the support of this Declaration, with a
firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to
each other our right for political freedom.
Jasneel Chaddha
Jack Clark
Writing I, Section Two (WRI-UF 101.023)