Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"It's never the changes we want that change everything"

    Everyone wishes for things that they do not have. They usually ask for quite the opposite. The girl with porcelain skin wants a dark olive tan. The girl with beautiful curly dark hair stays up until two in the morning straightening her hair so that maybe, if she's lucky, the boy she's been obsessing over for the last year will think that she's pretty. But what exactly would her hair change about her? She would still be the girl who stays out way passed curfew; the girl whose parent's were divorced and whose father was an alcoholic. Still the girl who could school any guy in math any day. I know this because I always had short hair and ever since Sophomore year I'd been wearing extensions. I wore them because I thought that with them I'd look "prettier" although when I walked around I was still treated the same way I had prior, although it made me feel pretty. I don't agree, "It's never the changes we want that change everything." I don't believe this because sometimes-- it is. Sometimes all a person needs is is a little self confidence in order to go out and do the things they always wanted to do but never had the guts to. To me-- I think that does change everything. It lets a girl who was always afraid to walk into a room full of strangers by herself --do so-- and show what an outspoken person she really is on the inside.Yeah, maybe in the scheme of things the change didn't drastically change the world, but it allowed one person to finally start living.

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