Wednesday, November 6, 2013


"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln

I smile a lot. That doesn't necessarily mean I am happy all the time but I think it's the best way to express any emotions of mine. Indeed, I smile even when I'm angry at something. It's as if I mentally tell myself every time that it's not worth being angry, so just smile it out. It's not as if I would immediately feel peaceful or anything. But, it's better than yelling at someone and hurting their feelings.
The second quote reminded me of the reading we did on "The Futile Pursuit of Happiness". It seems like we are all searching for something until we are satisfied with our minds and hearts. This kind of reminds me of the time my dad told me to give up on horseback riding, one of my most favorite sports. At first, I was sad. I cried a few times. But after a week, I started convincing myself of the positive side of not doing what used to make me happy. So it is possible to talk yourself into being happy but that level of happiness cannot beat with something you have a passion for, something you cherish so much that you would fight for. Those are things that bring you REAL happiness. And so you shouldn't stop and convince your minds otherwise. 

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