Thursday, September 13, 2012

Revenge of the Nerds!

I have never perceived the word "nerd" as a bad thing. Growing up, both of my parents always encouraged academics over anything else. Early on, I was taught the cliche that tells you to "be nice to the smart kids, they'll be your boss someday", and it is still applicable today. The clip from Revenge of the Nerds shows the ultimate stereotype of a nerd-jock face off. Perhaps it is the disdain for something or someone vastly different from yourself that drives it. The conventional "jock" is supposed to not feel threatened by the stereotypically weaker physical being that is the "nerd", yet they continue to use them as a means for fluffing their own ego and constantly reasserting their physical dominance. Perhaps it really is the priorities you are taught when you are young that further these stereotypes. Whether your family valued athleticism, wit, or intellect, to only value one is an almost 50s-era perception of social structure. For the most part, it is entirely different today. There are self-professed geeks, nerds, and dorks everywhere. In fact, being a geek today has practically become a badge of pride to some. Being a nerd is actually trendy. Whether it is simply a cycle or if the advances in technology have created this social shift, it is no longer a bad thing to possess intellect. It is cool.

-Olivia Boyce

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