Social media sites are intriguing. One gets to peer into the window of peoples’
most private thoughts, and sometimes, actions.
How many times have you logged onto Facebook or Twitter to see that someone
is engaged, married, divorced, pregnant, widowed? It’s really about the status or announcement
of the event. It’s a safe haven where people
can put information out there they really choose not to share on a more
intimate level.
Something seems lost when someone needs to announce to 500
or 1,000 close friends, at the same time, they are getting married! What happened to calling your sister or best
friend with uncontrolled excitement jumping through the phone to share the news? Or, maybe it’s the safe place to announce you
agreed to marry the person all your friends and family hate. They’ve told you over and over again the
person’s wrong for you! You ultimately
go through with the wedding, find out they’re all right and then you can post
the details of your divorce decree!
Then, sometimes, it’s all about the shock value! It’s about posting a statement so
controversial that it can only be done once, loud, and with vibrato! That seems to be the only way they’ll listen.
- Nancy Valentino