Monday, March 5, 2012

"Is not this the true romantic feeling - not to desire to escape life, but to prevent life from escaping you?" - Thomas Wolfe

Hopefully, this guy is not referring to the romance of love but the epic of it. The romance of life is a function of reality squared added to the square root of oblivious struggles and undefined restrictions - yes, I am a math freak - numbers which make less sense than a purple dinosaur singing "I Love You." Isn't a tyrannosaurus rex a carnivore? Shouldn't they be singing "I Taste You?"

Some sick imagination I'm caught in today, huh? My mind is running on four hours of sleep and I can't belief how I'm feeling like this. The front of my mind feels smashed down, like a pancake. The sides are using my ears as wings to fly to a stabler mind. The back of my mind feels as if it is drowning in thoughts and memories I can't even recognize.

I need coffee.

- Cynthia S.

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