Monday, April 4, 2011

WE are All Worthy of One Another

Are we? Are we really? Isn't this the problem parents have with their children and their relations whether it be friends or significant others? "You are so much better than the person you are dating! Where will this friendship get you in teh future? Isn't this what we think of in terms of "you are so much better than x-person? Worth in other people is perceived by the individual. Personally, yes, we are all worthy of on another but will i sometimes forget that? Oh yeah! Because we have this strive to be PERFECT, to the best it means we must see ourselves higher than the people around us. In relations to my paper [about the Scottsboro Trials], back then not everyone believed we were all worth of on another. As a matter of fact the Scottsboro Boys were not worth anything to the two white women who were allegedly raped by the 9 boys nor did the judge think they were worthy of a trial, let alone a fair one. Throughout history, although we want to live in a world where we really act and feel everyone is worth of one and other, but really someone or some group will be seen lower or less worthy -- socially, racially and in gender roles.


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