Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Ambition is like love, impatient of both delays and rivals"

If this is right, then I would say that it must be the chase of impatience that appeals to people of ambition and love. Like the essay about "the Pursuit of Happiness," the end result from ambition and love may not make us entirely content forever. It is the drive, the hunger to succeed, the chase, or struggle as Tammy Fly Tetas would put it that make ambition and love irresistible. We are impatient when we are delayed from a promotion or delayed on a date with a love interest. But that impatience stirs in us an irresistible notion to work hard for that promotion or call that girl and plan the best date. We all love war. So ambition and love give us the arms of fire without the bloodshed. When we are impatient of rivals competing against us in elections or another party in pursuit of the same lover, we start a war. We bring out our most conniving and sneaky to win that election or charm that girl. So if ambition is like love, then we can look forward to a chase.
~Marisela Gessler

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