Friday, February 11, 2011

Ambition is like love, impatient of both delays and rivals.

It really is way to early...I'm actually astonished and impressed with myself at the fact that I was able to make up at 7 am in high school every single day...ANYWAYS.
Really couldn't have put it in better words. It's ironic ho it says love is both impatient of delays and rivals, because is it not stated in the Bible that 'Love is patient and love is kind'? Ambition. Dreams. Hopes. It's what motivates us to extend ourselves to horizons that we could on dream of, and some dreams made true. As they say, if there is a will there is a way. Anything is possible. Look how far people have come today. For us now, in this current era, it may look pedestrian and 'not so big of a deal'. But, if Aritotle, Newton, Darwin ad other great minds of the past knew that we could produce light out of glass bulbs, communicate with each other without being in each other's presence, fly great distances, cure people with just a small pill...surely they would be astonished and call us miracle makers.

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