Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Truth is Today

The truth is everyday. Each day we live through the day we rot into the ground truth rings from our bellies. Often the truth gets lost. Often, for whatever reason, it becomes distorted, perverted, hidden. We may close our souls eyes to the truth, perhaps we are afraid. Fear has a way of seeping into our pours and leaving its stench on our skin. It drowns out the truth and leaves us lost in our own illusions.
We can run from the truth, but each day we breathe, each day we open our eyes to a new sun the truth reappears. The truth wont let you rest not even after your death. The truth won’t die with you. The truth may be forgotten or ignored, but it still exists within our hearts, within nature. The worms that will eat our flesh sing truths the dirt that will cover our bodies sing truths; the flames that will consume our flesh sing truths and each day its starts anew. Each day beyond the passing of the earth, ingrained in the heavens as an unchangeable force the truth resonates. Beyond our conventions, our perceptions, and all that we hold dear. The truth does not play favorites. It is not merciful. It is not benevolent. Is the truth with in our means to grasp? Is the truth, which is beyond both man and God, able to be defined, explained, communicated or measured?

Today I was hurt. What is the truth? Today I was disregarded. Is the truth fact?
Today I found salvation, for each day I don’t swallow the bottle, each day I don’t pull the trigger salvation is won.

The truth is every day. The truth is today.

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