Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Protect Against The Inevitable

Why on earth would anybody waste their time doing something as stupid as this? I mean, seriously, if it is inevitable JUST by definition alone you have no hope. It will happen. You can't do anything. Don't try. But then there are those crazy people out there who want to control everything who will do this just to control it. Not that I'm not one of these people-- I totally need to control everything-- but I have more common sense than to try this. Wrinkles, for instance, cannot be prevented (unless, of course, you want a long needle injected into your face and a painful and bruise-full recovery) so why waste your time worrying-- or not laughing (I actually know someone who did this). You really are going to get them no matter what. (Wow...I must be tired if I'm writing words that are completely illegible and backwards for that matter. Yes. I just spelled the word "to" by putting the "o" before the "t." And I JUST did the same thing with the "p" in "putting"). Now that my long parenthetical phrase is done, I can get back to this ridiculous quote-type-thing. Gray hair is also inevitable. And I am a culprit of this one. Yes, at 17 I have already covered up my graying hair. Now, I do have more to worry about seeing as my mom grayed at 25, but still! Why would I waste my time and money on something so inevitable? What else inevitable? Um...getting hit by a cab in New York, yet we ALL jay-walk; procrastinating on homework, yet every college student says they won't continue on their "old high school" streak.

Riana Johnson
9/13/10 Writing 1
Opening writing assignment

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