Monday, September 20, 2010
The truth is today
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Truth is Today
We can run from the truth, but each day we breathe, each day we open our eyes to a new sun the truth reappears. The truth wont let you rest not even after your death. The truth won’t die with you. The truth may be forgotten or ignored, but it still exists within our hearts, within nature. The worms that will eat our flesh sing truths the dirt that will cover our bodies sing truths; the flames that will consume our flesh sing truths and each day its starts anew. Each day beyond the passing of the earth, ingrained in the heavens as an unchangeable force the truth resonates. Beyond our conventions, our perceptions, and all that we hold dear. The truth does not play favorites. It is not merciful. It is not benevolent. Is the truth with in our means to grasp? Is the truth, which is beyond both man and God, able to be defined, explained, communicated or measured?
Today I was hurt. What is the truth? Today I was disregarded. Is the truth fact?
Today I found salvation, for each day I don’t swallow the bottle, each day I don’t pull the trigger salvation is won.
The truth is every day. The truth is today.
Friday, September 17, 2010
"You can never go home again-ever."
"You can never go home again-ever," I think what this quote is trying to say is that you can't go back to what you originally called home because its an environment that will constantly change, not only physically but mentally as well. As a baby, home is in your mother’s arms, as a kid, home is where you play, as a teen, home is where your friends are, and as an adult, home is where your family is. However, I do think you can go back home, not forever, but just for a visit. For example, you can always look back at your childhood toys to relive the feeling, or you could have a night out with your friends, but “home” is a factor in everyones life that seems to constantly be changing because it is where you feel the most comfortable. At home you do everything without thinking twice, you comfortably grab your toys, or vent out to your friends. “Home,” in this quote, is not a physical place, but the feeling of it. Many people find it in different places, whether it is a house, a job, a community, or anywhere else. Home is not where you eat and sleep, its where you can let yourself be you.