Monday, October 16, 2017

Weird art thing warm up

The man is standing under an arch which if we were to go back to the ancient times of rome and greece we can see that emperors such as constantine used arches as a symbol of power, and stability. This shows that the man is a person of authority and power. The use of gold is the symbol of royalty and riches portraying that he is rich and can do whatever he wants. The columns on either side are also a sign of power since the creation of the temple of Athena we know that the tower aspect of the pillars resonance a sense of dominance to the viewer. Despite all the surroundings that suggest that he is a person of the utmost power the outfit that he is wearing shows off a bit of a sense of humbleness showing that despite all that he stands for he is just like everyone else. Although the hue shows again that he is above others by not showing his legs, his torso seems to be supported by a ghost like tail that makes him seem that he is looking down at you from a place above. This is enhanced by the eyebrow, the eye itself is looking straight but the eyebrows adds a descending tone to his eyes. The black cloth seems to be type of cape maybe alluding to that of an upper being or a king which is then helped by the fact that the gold swirls above his head seem to be in the shape of a crown, which of course is made of gold.  Going back to the pillars they are decorated with an assortment of riches such as vases and jewelry which adds on to the aspect of power. He seems to cleverly hide his royalty by using the two colors that make the color of royalty red and blue which make purple. This maybe be his attempt at humility once again, however once again contradicted by the fact that the background is green showing maybe that where he is the grass is greener.   

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