Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Light at the end of the tunnel. Enlightenment. The sun will come out. Isn't it interesting how many cliché's have come out of the concept of light? I usually think it is a kind of tired metaphor, but when it is done right it can be so beautiful. I think that we talk about light so much because that's kind of how it feels when you're happy. Like there is a shining sun just beneath the exterior of your glowing skin, and then somehow that light is able to radiate outwards.

The only metaphor used more than light is darkness. Is darkness a stronger feeling than light? Does is consume us more than light does? I think it certainly bothers us more in our day to day lives. Light can feel like everything, though a subtle everything. I think that there is an important distinction between the two happy's. Happy, like "I can't sleep, euphoria, head in the clouds, heart in the driver's seat, I love you" happy. And then happy, like " I am perfectly content, not much more to say" happy. I think that when people feel the latter, just content, they don't really notice it. It is kind of dormant, quiet beneath your skin, and we often don't recognize that this is also a manifestation of happiness.

Darkness is much more stark, though. When you feel that darkness it can be overwhelming. Interrupt you in the middle of your day darkness. I don't want to think that darkness is stronger than light, but I really don't know.

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