Monday, May 14, 2012

"The woods are lonely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep." -Robert Frost

This quote symbolizes the Resistance. The resistance to fall down on your knees to temptation. Anyone and everyone has met with a choice to give in or not to give in. What choice will you make? To go out to eat with friends or stay in and study? To take that dream vacation or save the $? To give in and take drugs your boyfriend is forcing you to take, or leave it and leave him in the process? One needs to ponder before they wonder. Is it worth it? Should I give in? Think about what is at stake, what is beneficial, and what will do harm to you in the long run and even the short run. Temptation can be ghastly and futile. It is a human flaw to give in, and sometimes that's okay. You can fall out of temptation just as easily as you fell in. But it takes time, courage, support from others, the ones you love and who love you back. But there is also a choice not to fall in the first place. No one wants to do anything that can harm them or their loved ones. No one wakes up and says, "I'm going to give in. I'm going to not resist. I'm just going to go for it." No one wants to see it as giving in, giving up, losing the strength to stay away, but it happens. But just think that you might have promises to keep as well, and it's just not that right time for you to sleep.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Machines - Shreyans Leaf Lee Khaitan

This is clearly not true as I have employed an army of machines and I’m poised on world domination as we speak. As we speak I have fifty automated tanks surrounding the white house, I couldn’t get the actual military to do this, and all I had to do is pay them off. In thirty minutes the secret service and presidential family are all going to be incarcerated. In fifty minutes the entire United States Congress is going to be taken to a remote island and abandoned for their crimes against the American people. Soon the entire continental United States will be under the reign of my machines. But I’m not finished; I’ve got my sights set for a vast global empire. It won’t be easy, it won’t be pretty, and it sure as shit won’t be cheap. I’ve got the financial access and the will power. Once I’ve acquired the United States, I will acquire a vast supply of natural resources which I can set to quickly industrializing and building a completely automated and mechanized army. I would use human soldiers, but they have a tendency to fall cold and silent when hit by led. Machines are the way to go. The skies will be patrolled by automated helicopters set to hunt and destroy anything that tries to escape. The ground will be patrolled by giant skeletal robots that have Austrian accents, for some reason, I don’t know, maybe the programing along with an assortment of automated tanks, weapons, and various other machines. These things are indestructible and they do their jobs. The fulfill only their set duties and are then immediately disposed of, not like human soldiers who have to be cared for continuously and miss such petty things like “human decency, comfort, family, my children for God’s sake!”. They often miss the big picture and are in it for themselves. The machines have no sense of picture and therefore don’t need to be encouraged.