Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prompt: All influence is immoral because to influence a person is to give him one’s own soul. He does not think this natural thoughts or burn with this natural passion. His virtues are not real to him. His sins, if there are such a thing as sins, are borrowed. He becomes and echo of someone else’s music, an actor of a part that has not been written for him. –Lord Henry Wotton

Followers will never have their own opinions. Will never set a standard, or a trend. They will always be looked at second best.

Why walk in someone else’s path. Are they scared of rejection or correction? Or have they succumbed to their insecurities?

Hiding will never allow them to shine. Always in a shadow, always left in the dark. Are they afraid to step in front to feel the light?

These are the thoughts and footsteps of a follower.

One that will never walk on the path less travelled;

One that will never be a leader;

One that will be forgotten…

By C

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prompt: Be a master, such as you have.

Can I be a master? Is it possible to be a master at such a young age? I am sure I have mastered the basics to growing up, such as potty training, eating, and maybe listening to my mother and father.

As a young child I may have thought I mastered the sport of swimming, basketball and baseball. I probably thought I was the queen of the pool, the queen of the court and the queen of the field.

I believe to be a master is to learn from your mistakes, listening to others such as your teachers, peers and family. Last but not least embracing your experiences, good or bad.

Keeping your eyes open, listening, and applying everyday new found knowledge and experiences is "to be a master, such as you have".

By C.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"She has nothing... but her two hands... crazy love for... who seemed.. never to have heard of her." by Arkim DeBerry

All she has in this world was her two hands, which she raises frequently in prayer and her love for ____ now she remembers his name.
Most people who possess little in material things in this world, possess a lot in their commitment in faith, or i mean request.
To them, it keeps them motivated that happiness will follow, be it wealth, a spouse, house, or children.
Due to this they constantly maximize the resources they have to achieve this, i.e. their two hands.
Day in, and day out their hands are raised.
The irony to them is that seldom, if at all their request are answered, or are they.
May be no is an answer to their request, because they do not fulfill the part(s) between their request, and the answer, or may be the no saves them from being ruined if what they ask is granted.
Most never think of it that way, and feel like, does anyone hear me, or do they even "know who I am?"
May be their request will be answered at a later date or different way, but their hands never go down, for have faith they will be heard.
We are fools of time bound for the undiscovered country... then are children of God... heaven, by ARKIM DEBERRY

We, or humans in general are fools of time, because we believe that we have a lot of it, and that it waits for us, although we always say "time waits for no one."
We always preach the Godly talk, yet seldom practice it.
Why is it we believe that we have all day to make it to heaven?
It must be that, because, surely we say there is one! and whenever turmoils strikes we cry out "oh god, oh Lord."
We always search for the undiscovered, or unknown which causes us trouble time and time again, but time and time again we believe that time waits upon us, until, that time is gone, we return, and we never make it to the undiscovered country, Heaven!