Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Success by the other is a fool's dream pursued at the cost of your dignity"

Someone elses success isn't your own. Seeing someone else pursue their dreams and you just watch may cost you your dignity, like a father and a son. The son makes it, he becomes a lawyer and the father is still the same drunk that he was when the son was growing up but still says that if it weren't for him, his son wouldn't have made it. He sits in a bar drunk and all he does is talk about how he is the one that made it possible for his son to be where he is today. What dignity does he have, watching his son as everyone looks at him and says this man did nothing with his life, is still young and still does nothing for himself but take all of his son's accomplishments as his own, taking credit for what his son worked so hard to achieve. NO DREAM! NO SUCCESS! NO DIGNITY!

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