Sunday, September 30, 2018

President Donald Trump

Ashley Augustin
Writing I
Professor Jackson
26 September 2018

We currently live in an age where the political atmosphere has completely shifted from where it use to be. We no longer respect the presidency as the president no longer respects its citizens. From grabbing women by their genitals and calling Haiti a “shithole country”, our political climate is not in a place it should be. The man occupying our country has completely changed the way the office of the presidency is viewed. Being the constant punch line of jokes, Donald Trump isn’t viewed as a respected world leader, but rather a joke. This makes me think, is there still value to the office of the presidency and its position if men like Donald Trump are able to obtain such? From his constant twitter fingers to bashing other world leaders, why is this man still in office? In such a world where it seems many don’t favor the current president, we should ask ourselves: How did he get into office in the first place, and why is he still there? It’s time for America to wake up and realize if your not registered to vote, go register and then vote! Voting makes a change, and if you don’t think so, you are part of the problem. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

"Blessed are they who remember that what they now have they once longed for."

September 12, 2018 Free Write

The grass is always greener on the other side. But for many of us, we don't even have to wander as far as our neighbor's yard, but rather think forward to hopes of greener days to come. Human beings by nature are striving creatures, never static in their pursuits and always working towards their next goal. It's how we survive. But in an increasingly competitive world of cut-throat ambition to get to the top, we've lost all meaning of what it is to live. While desperately working to get to the top, the "end goal," we have lost every moment only to realize there is no end, no final stage where every problem is solved, nothing but life, then death. We fail to recognize the reality of progress in that it never ends. Instead of searching for the future springs of blooming gardens and green grass, we need to look outside and realize that this is it, the grass, not greener, not dying, just the grass. With that mindset of acceptance, our standards are lowered from an impossible utopia and brought down to a reality we can enjoy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Response Journal 9/12/18

Ashley Hart
Professor Jackson 
Writing 2
Response Journal
          Many people in this world didn't grow up with a gold spoon in their mouths or in fact anything gold, or maybe not even anything of much value, or what the world deems to be valuable. Many people do however grow to acquire these things. Through hard work, dedication, and patients. Through the blood, sweat, and tears. Looking back they often remember who they once were, what they once had, what they once wanted and couldn't get. The word blessed isn't really an easy word to define, but in this context, it could mean, thankful, or grateful are they who remember, and as a result, continue to gain. Some people just merely long for a meal to eat or a place to lay their heads, while others long for riches and wealth. Both individuals must endure, to gain. However, in the end, if they remember what they once had, they are blessed. It's as if these individuals have a sense of gratitude, they've become humbled by their experiences, and as a result, they have what they now have today. If one is cocky and affirms that all they have today is by their own doing, and they forget where they came from and who they once were can they really be considered blessed?