Thursday, January 28, 2016


“There is nothing so false in writing as the heartfelt confession.” 

The falsehood glints plainly from the screen of my laptop. A lie with a vinyl crust and a liquid center. If I crack it, speak a word of the truth, it will rupture. It will run everywhere, filling in the fault lines of my keyboard. Clogging up DELETE like the south end of the Mississippi.

These words are smooth, I could run my milky hands over them and not feel a thing. These words are cold. When my breath falls over them it mushrooms with frost. If I warm the words they will cry, I think. Maybe even scream.

Instead I let them freeze. I let them stay smooth, not jagged. I keep those mountains and stones buried deep in my stomach. I keep that night locked away. At least I did, until there was you. Until you called it from me and let the craggy rocks explode from my mouth and the crystals from my eyes and suddenly I was alright.

Suddenly I was unbroken.  

-Sophia Hanson