Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First of all I do not know what the word empathy means but in my opinion the prompt " Empathy depends on how you spend your day" means that what ever you do in your day is worth doing. If what you do in the day is beneficial to you or some else than you are doing a good job. It could be helping your neighbor with her laundry or with groceries. Helping your grandmother with her medication or just simply going to the gym. Doing this not only makes you feel better but helps out society. We all need each other at a point. As human beings we depended on someone for a helping hand. Since the day we were born we depended on our parents nurturing us, teachers helping us succeed, our boss paying us so we can be able to take care of ourselves. One way or another we need each other.

Lizanette Chauca 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"It's all in the mind"--George Harrison

             Katherin Santana

                      "It's all in the mind"--George Harrison

In other words, our mind is the most powerful part of us without it we wouldn’t be able to think and solve problems. Everything we learn is in our minds whether we say what we think or not is there. In addition, many criminals commit certain crimes because they have experience many traumatic situations. We hear a lot of crimes of rape, abuses and murdered but we barely ask ourselves what cause the person to commit those crimes. For example, if a child lives in a home where there is domestic violence, the child is going to grow with the mentality that is fine to hurt others. Once the child grows up he will do the same thing to his family. Sometimes people do certain things and they can’t help it since they have live their whole life in that cycle. The things criminals do have to somehow be related to their background argue the author in the article of Criminal Profling. Is very sad to see many innocent people died but its sadder to see the criminals destroy their lifes and within the life’s of many others. It’s all in the mind and if it doesn’t come out verbally it comes out physically.